Friday, March 7, 2008


It has taken me long time to try and come up with a way to define my creative process.
I still don't know that I have one, process seems too rational and organized a word for me. Generally when I am trying to come up with an idea I start shredding innocent magazines and cut them to bits. I google images and then proceed to shred those.
Doodles line the margins of whatever I may be working on and I start listing ideas and concepts I want to look up.
Thats when I start sketching. I am not going to lie to you, I work in just about every medium out there but I don't feel like drawing is one of my strong points. Most of the time I work in 3d and I never feel like you read what I am trying to accomplish through my sketches, that of course leads to when my real creativity begins.
I start to make the object...
generally destroy it at least twice, I've been know to burn through, blow up and melt. opps.
But then I know not to do that again and I usually change my methods at least twice again.
Then I'll see something and totally redesign the whole thing because I saw a squirrel last Tuesday run off with an acorn...
That's how I work, scary but true.

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