Ok, so for those of you who have a burning desire to have teeth but can't find a deer cranium floating around, I have an answer.
Call a butcher.
The really creepy ones will give you bits of cattle.
Now, here is an obligatory warning that:
No really: These images are all different kinds of disgusting so if you're the queasy type I would motivate onto one of those sunshine and flower blogs.
So when you go to a butcher (namely Larry in this instance, Thanks Lar!) you can request that they save you a few this and thats. Now, they did charge me ten bucks to remove the jaws. Worth every penny if you ask me; I don't particularly want to see what the rest of the cow looked like. I wasn't exactly expecting it to be so fresh mind you but ol' lar delivered the goods.
My box o' jaws.
I felt like I was smuggling diamonds myself seeing as how I had to walk by the very popular restaurant that is affiliated with said butcher carrying an open box of raw teeth.
I bet the cheeseburgers were really good today.
The next step in acquiring bovine teeth?
Select the appropriate tool.
Their gums are like hard rubber so I had to whip out the trusty leatherman. Best tool EVER. You can slice, dice and do your nails.
I strongly advise you wear an ipod and of course a stylish hand-made hat is necessary for all teeth extraction.
Hack at it a while...
Hack some more...
and some more.
Eventually you find out that a cows tooth is
flipping 2 inches friggin' long.
Do NOT try pliers.
I found out quickly they break the teeth.
Do NOT splatter blood on your face.
Cows have bizarre spiky skin on the inside of their mouths.
Interesting texture.
That's all I will say about that for your benefit.
For the exceptionally long tooth I suggest sliding the knife
down the tooth to dislodge it from the gums.
That or buy a mechanical saw.
Then rock the tooth back and forth.
I found bovine teeth have single roots so they're not as delicate as deer teeth.
This is truly where the ipod is handy.
The wiggle method:
When deer teeth won't cut it and that stingy tooth fairy won't cough any up for you, drive on down to the local eatery and have at some raw cow-flesh.
You will not only have some delightful teeth but a feeling a pride that you manually removed the teeth and managed not to toss your cookies. Hopefully.
Sherri! Terrific. Love your take on the world. Thanks for sharing it all. Great. (So tired of the sunshine and flower blogs. Hey wait, I like flowers and I LOVE sunshine just with a side of edge.)
I agree, I just like my edge with a side of flowers and sunshine!
way to commit to an idea....i wasn't really 100% positive you were serious about picking up "ralph"... clearly you were...i am extremely entertained
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