Friday, March 7, 2008


I finished reading the entire IDEO book during my hour wait between classes. I had a hard time putting it down after the first few chapters. I can see why it was suggested we read about successful brainstorming and prototyping since we will be using these skills in class. I have never been to a brainstorming session before and expected that this way just a nice way of saying critique. I was a little surprised when classmates actually came up with ideas and helped you think a concept through. It was all so helpful..and weird. Not your typical bash-fest of a crit. I like that IDEO fully operates with this kind of brainstorming and open ideology that a group can do what one might not be able to.
I also think the descriptions of new technology that they came up with was also one of the reasons I just couldn't put it down. From gearing to a specific audience to engineering a lighter or faster product, I found it fascinating listening to their logic and seeing how the final products came out.
I found it interesting too that they condone stalking people, ok not really, but they suggest watching people use the item you're designing. I never really thought of that, to me it may be a pendent but does that mean everyone knows that from looking at it? So, IDEO says: spy on
I can almost envision the inside of IDEO, it is probably a lot like Apple was when I worked there. Laid back and ready to go...I often wore my pj pants to work but at any point you would see me doing 5 things at one and asking the cubicle across the room about how to start a WDS network if they have a third party router. It was awesome and makes me wish all of corporate America would stop being so damn uptight. They might get things done, and well, they might even be innovative and functional.

1 comment:

Jangrrrrl said...

Great. I love compulsive people...well control compulsivenes