Monday, September 15, 2008

They cost how much?!

Ok, so apparently printing out coasters is out. Most companies have a 500 coaster minimum and they don't sell blanks. The jerks.
The coasters start at .25 US a pop. For square paper? I think Not.
Guess I better get out a brand new exacto blade and make a template because I'm going to be cutting like crazy. I'll try to keep from letting any blood this semester.
On second thought, I'll just 'borrow' the existing coasters and 'modify' them.
I can't afford another ER visit.


Lilies in my Cereal said...

that sounds like a good idea... the craft stores don't sell them?? like Acmoore just had a moonlight madness thing 25 % off the entire purchase,... I don't know.... modifying sounds fun....

Jangrrrrl said...

I found them last year cheaply enough.....I will think of the name. Amy may also remember.